
Corporate Governance and Ethical Code

Il The Legislative Decree 231/2001, as further amended and extended, which establishes the “Rules of Administrative Liability of Legal Persons, Companies and Associations even without legal status”, has introduced in the Italian Law the criminal liability of entities for certain misdemeanours committed in their interest and to their advantage. The rules of the Decree apply to many types of offences, including, in particular, crimes against the Public Administration, corporate offences violating the work safety, environmental and IT standards.

Il C To confirm its commitment in the active prevention of felonies, INSO’s Board of Directors has decided to implement organizational and management tools whose main goals are:

1) To prevent and remove the risk that the felonies described in the Decree are committed.

2) To make the people who work in the interest of INSO aware that they may incur in behaviours that are against the corporate interests and ethical principles.

3) To protect INSO’s reputation and value both from external and internal threats.

4) To build and develop a solid ethical and control culture, based on the criteria of lawfulness, correctness and professional principles.

To this end, INSO:
Has defined a Model of Corporate Governance that establishes an adequate corporate control system, general principles, specific activities and controls aimed at preventing potential crimes, which the corporate personnel must follow;

It has defined a Code of Ethics that contains the general ethical principles, the reference values or the behavioural rules that all the people working with INSO must follow, be them personnel, collaborators or Directors.
INSO requires from its subsidiaries or associated companies and from its main suppliers a conduct consistent with the general principles of the Code. The Ethical Code is valid both in Italy and abroad, albeit considering the cultural, social and economic differences of the various Countries where INSO operates.

It has established and appointed a Monitoring Body pursuant to law decree 231/01, with the task to monitor the Model operation and appropriateness.

The Monitoring Body is formed by:
President: Claudio Solenghi
Members: Giancarlo Scollo, Fabrizio Vitale

Corporate Governance Policy

Code of Ethics